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The Kelut eruption of 13 February 2014

mount Kelut SO<sub>2</sub> Mount Kelut ash
Eruption of mount Kelut: SO2 (left) and absorbing aerosol index from GOME-2 (METOP-B) on 14 February 2014. Click for larger image.

The eruption of Kelut (also known as Kelud) on the island of Java has produced a large ash and sulphur dioxide (SO2) cloud that has been tracked by polar orbiting satellite instruments (IASI and GOME-2 onboard MetOp-A and MetOp-B, OMI on Aura, and AIRS on Aqua). The ash has reached cruise altitude of commercial air traffic and higher and thus poses significant hazard to aviation. Three airports on Java have been closed and air routes from Australia to Singapore, Bangkok and beyond have been affected. ESA and its partners remain vigilant and provide satellite notifications to the relevant authorities through its SACS system, hosted at BIRA-IASB.



Last update on 18 Feb 2014