QA4ECV MAXDOAS reference data sets
Introduction This webpage provides access to the QA4ECV NO2 and HCHO MAXDOAS reference data sets. The QA4ECV MAXDOAS product consists of harmonized multi-year time series of NO2 and HCHO tropospheric vertical column densities at a selection of 10 stations corresponding to urban, sub-urban, and rural conditions. The list of stations is the following:
Table 1. List of QA4ECV MAXDOAS stations
A short description of the product (harmonisation procedure, file format, etc) can be found here. It should be noted that
in the case of HCHO, VCDs have been retrieved in two different fitting windows: 336.5-359 nm (wavelength interval which gives the best coherence between the different groups) and 324.6-359 nm
(wavelength interval which minimizes error/noise). Further information - including MAXDOAS product validation - are available in project deliverables D3.8,
D3.9, and D3.10.
For practical reasons, data files have been stored in .zip files (one .zip per species and per station). These .zip files can be downloaded by clicking on the corresponding station name. Please
read the 'Data usage policy' section below before downloading the data.
QA4ECV MAXDOAS NO2 product DeBilt (KNMI) Uccle (BIRA) OHP (BIRA) Xianghe (BIRA) Bujumbura (BIRA) Bremen (IUP-Bremen) Nairobi (IUP-Bremen) Athens (IUP-Bremen) Mainz (MPIC) Thessaloniki (AUTH)QA4ECV MAXDOAS HCHO product 324-359 nm: Uccle (BIRA) Xianghe (BIRA) Bujumbura (BIRA) Mainz (MPIC) Thessaloniki (AUTH) 336-359 nm: OHP (BIRA) Xianghe (BIRA) Bujumbura (BIRA) Bremen (IUP-Bremen) Nairobi (IUP-Bremen) Athens (IUP-Bremen) Thessaloniki (AUTH)Data usage policy The creation of these harmonised QA4ECV MAXDOAS data sets is a joint effort between BIRA-IASB, IUP/University of Bremen, MPIC, KNMI, and AUTH. It is MANDATORY to contact instrument PI(s) for any usage of the data. For each station, instrument PI’s e-mail address is available in the main attributes of the GEOMS HDF files.Contact For further information about the QA4ECV MAXDOAS data sets, please contact François Hendrick (Francois.Hendrick@aeronomie.be) or Michel Van Roozendael (Michel.VanRoozendael@aeronomie.be) |